St Angela’s Primary School is dedicated to the education of students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
We believe that the students are at the centre of all our endeavours so through effective teaching and learning we aim to allow them to ‘let their light shine’.
Our challenge as educators is to build a learning community in partnership with the home and Parish, which models relationships based on:
- Mutual respect
- The affirmation and welcoming of individual differences
- Sharing and forgiveness
- Collaboration and support
- Generosity, gratitude and service
Our educational endeavours combine so that our students will be confident life-long learners who are encouraged to serve others and to embrace the fullness of life in their society as they become effective global citizens.
Our Mission
Our mission as educators is to identify the unique potential in each child and call it forth so that it is developed within the frameworks of:
- An integrated curriculum
- The aspirations of the family
- The values and faith of the Parish community
- The present and future needs of a society which promotes justice and peace
Our culture delights in:
- Sharing and celebrating our individual gifts, achievements and aspirations
- The unfolding journey of our school
- The values of compassion, justice, forgiveness, respect and love
- Programs which enable all in the school community to ‘let their light shine’
Our Learning Programs:
- A curriculum which is relevant to the students’ life experiences and promotes critical, creative and independent thinking
- A respect for the diversity of the intelligence of each child
- Teaching strategies and experiences which respond to a range of individual learning styles and needs
- Teaching methods that challenge students to develop as independent learners and achieve educational excellence
- Purposeful integration across all Key Learning Areas
- Cohesion across grades with learning experiences and assessment practices
- A commitment to Religious Education based on Sharing Our Story
- Appropriate use of technology and information skills across Key Learning Areas
- Opportunities for students to pursue their own gifts
- An emphasis on the development of social skills and the ability to relate positively and effectively with each other
- Provision for the professional development of the staff to meet curriculum and pedagogy changes
- The importance of using modelling as a tool for teaching/learning
- Ways for the students to express their talents through physical activities and to use their leisure time creatively
Our Values Shine Forth In:
- Our Catholic faith and heritage which is the life spring of our spirituality
- The spirit of prayer, reflection and liturgy throughout our school
- The integration of our Catholic faith into all aspects of our school life
- Educational programs which foster the development of the whole child
- The conviction that learning is a lifelong process
- The shared vision among staff members about quality teaching and learning practices
Our School Environment Reflects:
- Care for the earth in the spirit of St Francis
- An appreciation of nature
- Stillness and tranquillity
- Fun in learning through bright and attractive classrooms
- Respect for oneself, others, property and the school
- Safety in the whole school precinct
- An understanding of the interdependence of the ecosystems
Our school crest

The ground under St Angela is the open book of the Bible. The shape of this book also represents the green landscape and inspires us to reach to the heights of our full promise.
The bible reminds us that like St Angela we strive to anchor our lives in Jesus, the Word of God.
Our motto ‘Let Your Light Shine’ is illustrated in the streams of light radiating from St Angela. These words inspire us to be confident in the gift of our being so that each of us can live our unique life journey with joy and self-belief. An image of St Angela Merici (1535) is placed at the centre of our school crest. Her arms are extended in a way which reflects Jesus’ embracing arms of love, welcoming all who come to our school.