Parent Involvement

St Angela's Primary is a community of staff, students, parents and parishioners who work together to build and develop our great school.

There has been a strong partnership with the parents since the foundation of the school in establishing the school grounds and gardens, attendance at parent meetings, participation in school activities, feast days and fundraising.

We thank the many parents who are involved in so many aspects of school life. And we always welcome parents to participate and support their child's education, in whatever way you are able.

Contact the school today to get involved

Start the Volunteer and Contractor Training

Volunteer Training

We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.

As we are committed to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.

Start Your Online Training