Parent Handbook


The St Angela's Primary Parent Handbook information covers all the information you and your child will need. It can be viewed below or downloaded for your convenience by pressing 'PDF' button above.

If you have any further questions in relation to school times, dates, policies or other general enquiries please feel free to contact the school during weekdays between 8:30am and 4:00pm on the details provided.


Dear Parents,

On behalf of the parish school community, I welcome you into our family.

St Angela’s is part of the Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Kellyville. Our parish is led by the Parish Priest - Fr Christopher Shorrock who belongs to the Franciscan order.

Your child is unique and special with his/her own gifts and we are honoured that you have invited us to share the journey with you as these gifts unfold.

St Angela’s has a culture of respect which honours the dignity of each person.  We receive inspiration from St Angela’s words:

“Consider the respect you owe them, for the more you respect them the more you will love them and the more you love them the greater care you will have of them.”

At St Angela’s we believe that:

  • Education is a community process
  • Education is most effective when there is a strong partnership between school and home
  • Education is about believing that each person is made in the image and likeness of God
  • Education is the process of releasing and nurturing the true potential within each child
  • Education is looking at every child as the hope for the future.

The committed and talented staff at St Angela’s aim to provide quality learning and teaching to foster in your child academic and human excellence.  We aim to provide your child with many opportunities to experience Christ in their lives and develop this life long relationship.

We emphasise:

  • catering for the 'whole' person - spiritually, socially, physically, emotionally, culturally, intellectually... based on Gospel values
  • providing opportunities for your child to experience and celebrate success and learning at their own individual level
  • helping your child to experience God's love and nurture his/her personal faith in an environment of prayer, celebration, belonging and community.

We support you in your fundamental role as the first educators of your child.  We aim to work in partnership with you throughout your child’s schooling with a common vision and high expectations enabling them to 'let their light shine' in gratitude and respect for all that has been given to them.

I encourage you to be an active participant in the life of the school and parish and walk with your child through their precious years at St Angela’s.

Leanne Nettleton

“Welcome them all for you do not know what God has in mind for them.”
St Angela Merici 1535


Mrs Leanne Nettleton


St Angela's Primary
40 Harrington Avenue
Castle Hill  2154


9407 6400 



Before and after school care is available on site at St Angela’s and is co-ordinated by Ambrose School Age Care.

For information or bookings please contact the co-ordinator on 0408 499 219.

School Terms

School term dates and holidays are generally the same as government schools.


School Terms 2025
Term 1 Friday 31 January 2025 to Friday 11 April 2025
Staff Development Days - Friday 31 January and Monday 3 February 2025
Years 1- 6 Tuesday 4 February 2025
Kindergarten Thursday 6 February 2025
Term 2 Monday 28 April 2025 to Friday 4 July 2025
Staff Development Day - Monday 28 April and Tuesday 29 April 2025
Term 3 Monday 21 July 2025 to Friday 26 September 2025
Staff Development Days - Monday 21 July 2025
Staff Development Days – Friday 26 September 2025
Term 4 Monday 13 October 2025 to Friday 19 December 2025
Staff Development Days - Monday 13 October 2025
Staff Development Days - Thursday 18 December and Friday 19th December


*School development days occur at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and the last two days of the school year. Check with your school, as schools may vary some of these dates.


NSW Public Holidays 2025
New Year’s Day Friday, 01 January
Australia Day Sunday, 26 January
Good Friday Friday, 18 April
Easter Saturday Saturday, 19 April
Easter Sunday Sunday, 20 April
Easter Monday Monday, 21 April
Anzac Day Friday, 25 April
King's Birthday Monday, 9 June
Labour Day Monday, 06 October
Christmas Day Monday, 25 December
Boxing Day Tuesday, 26 December


St Angela's Primary was established in 2001 with an enrolment of 70 students.  The school was named after the founder of the Ursuline sisters - St Angela Merici and since its beginning; the spirit and writings of St Angela have been shared with the community.

St Angela's Primary is an educating community with the children at the centre of our endeavours.  Our mission as educators is to identify the unique potential in each child and call it forth so that it is developed within the framework of:

  • an integrated curriculum

  • the aspirations of the family

  • the values and faith of the Parish community

  • the present and future needs of a society which promotes justice and peace

Our school motto, 'Let your Light shine', inspires the whole community to live our unique life journey with joy and self-belief.

Located in Castle Hill, the school draws on students from Castle Hill and Kellyville and serves the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Kellyville, which is pastored by the Franciscan priests.

The parents enrolling their children come from a diverse variety of ethnic backgrounds.

St Angela’s Primary School is dedicated to the education of students from Kindergarten to Year 6.  We believe that the students are at the centre of all our endeavours so through effective teaching and learning we aim to allow them to ‘let their light shine’.

Our challenge as educators is to build a learning community in partnership with the home and Parish, which models relationships based on:

  • Mutual respect
  • The affirmation and welcoming of individual differences
  • Sharing and forgiveness
  • Collaboration and support
  • Generosity, gratitude and service

Our educational endeavours combine so that our students will be confident life-long learners who are encouraged to serve others and to embrace the fullness of life in their society as they become effective global citizens.

Our Mission

Our mission as educators is to identify the unique potential in each child and call it forth so that it is developed within the frameworks of:

  • An integrated curriculum
  • The aspirations of the family
  • The values and faith of the Parish community
  • The present and future needs of a society which promotes justice and peace

Our culture delights in:

  • Sharing and celebrating our individual gifts, achievements and aspirations
  • The unfolding journey of our school
  • The values of compassion, justice, forgiveness, respect and love
  • Programs which enable all in the school community to ‘let their light shine’

Our Learning Programs:

  • A curriculum which is relevant to the students’ life experiences and promotes critical, creative and independent thinking
  • A respect for the diversity of the intelligence of each child
  • Teaching strategies and experiences which respond to a range of individual learning styles and needs
  • Teaching methods that challenge students to develop as independent learners and achieve educational excellence
  • Purposeful integration across all Key Learning Areas
  • Cohesion across grades with learning experiences and assessment practices
  • A commitment to Religious Education based on Sharing Our Story
  • Appropriate use of technology and information skills across Key Learning Areas
  • Opportunities for students to pursue their own gifts
  • An emphasis on the development of social skills and the ability to relate positively and effectively with each other
  • Provision for the professional development of the staff to meet curriculum and pedagogy changes
  • The importance of using modelling as a tool for teaching/learning
  • Ways for the students to express their talents through physical activities and to use their leisure time creatively

Our Values Shine Forth In:

  • Our Catholic faith and heritage which is the life spring of our spirituality
  • The spirit of prayer, reflection and liturgy throughout our school
  • The integration of our Catholic faith into all aspects of our school life
  • Educational programs which foster the development of the whole child
  • The conviction that learning is a lifelong process
  • The shared vision among staff members about quality teaching and learning practices

Our School Environment Reflects:

  • Care for the earth in the spirit of St Francis
  • An appreciation of nature
  • Stillness and tranquillity
  • Fun in learning through bright and attractive classrooms
  • Respect for oneself, others, property and the school
  • Safety in the whole school precinct
  • An understanding of the interdependence of the ecosystems

Our school crest


The ground under St Angela is the open book of the Bible.  The shape of this book also represents the green landscape and inspires us to reach to the heights of our full promise.

The bible reminds us that like St Angela we strive to anchor our lives in Jesus, the Word of God.

Our motto ‘Let Your Light Shine’ is illustrated in the streams of light radiating from St Angela.  These words inspire us to be confident in the gift of our being so that each of us can live our unique life journey with joy and self-belief. An image of St Angela Merici (1535) is placed at the centre of our school crest.  Her arms are extended in a way which reflects Jesus’ embracing arms of love, welcoming all who come to our school.


Angela Merici was born about 1474 in Desenzano, a village situated on the shores of the beautiful Lake Garda in Northern Italy.

Her father, Giovanni, had his family roots in Brescia – a city close to Desenzano while her mother, Caterina de Bianchi, came from Salo, another town opposite Desenzano on the shores of Lake Garda.

While the family were still young they moved to some farming land outside the town called Le Grezze. Here the three boys and two girls grew up in the freedom of the fields with a good balance of work and play.

Giovanni would gather the family around the fire each evening for sharing and storytelling. Sometimes he would read from the Bible and sometimes he would let the students take turns choosing a story of one of their favourite saints – heroes and martyrs who had generously served God. Giovanni also taught his students to read. He wanted them to learn as much as they could since there was no chance for them to go to school.

Lake Garda
A view of Lake Garda seen from the town of Desenzano
St Angela as a pilgrim
St Angela as a pilgrim

The security of Angela’s family life ended abruptly when, within a short space of time, both her parents, Giovanni and Caterina, died. Then not long after their deaths her sister, Gianna Maria, became very ill and died within a few days. This brought a great sadness to Angela and her brothers but they continued, with the added help of some farm workers, to grow their crops and tend the vines and the olive trees.

Each day after doing the daily jobs in the farmhouse Angela would pack lunches for her brothers and the workers who helped on the farm. She would carry the lunches out to the field and many times she would eat her own under a shady tree.

One day in an area of the fields called Brudazzo, Angela took lunch to the workers who were singing as they climbed the ladders to pick the ripened olives. In the heat of the day after they had lunch Angela laid down to have a short sleep known as a siesta. During this time, she experienced a vision. Angela saw what appeared to be angels going up and down a ladder that looked as if it reached as high as heaven. Among these angels, Angela saw her sister who radiated joy assuring Angela that she was in Heaven. She told her sister, Angela, that one day she would gather a group of women like herself. These women would become companions to one another forming a company to do special work for the Church. As the vision disappeared Angela knelt down and thanked Jesus for her sister’s happiness. She wondered what the message could mean. She wouldn’t understand until many years later.

When Angela was 16 years old she moved with her brother from Le Grezze to the nearby lakeside town of Salo where their Uncle and Aunt Biancosi welcomed them. This new home meant a different kind of life for Angela. The town of Salo was bigger than Desenzano. The people there had many parties and celebrations for every season and feast. While Angela was friendly and kind to all she met she found that she really wanted more time to be alone, to become more aware of God’s presence and action in her life. She wished for a quieter spot where she could speak to God in her heart.

When she was 18 years old, following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Angela became a Franciscan Tertiary. This enabled her to receive Communion more often. She wore the simple robe of the Franciscans and a white veil and was called Sister Angela. Shortly after this, Angela moved back to Le Grezze which was now her brother’s home. She attended Mass early each morning then joined the workers in the fields. She also visited the sick and took care of poor neighbours. The people respected her as Sister Angela and were happy she had come home. They realised that they had a special person living among them.

In 1516, Angela went to Brescia to stay with Caterina Patengola, who was grieving over the loss of her husband and sons. In this way, Angela began a mission of comfort and counsel especially in the war ravaged Brescia. This mission gradually expanded to embrace all those who came to seek her prayers, her mediation and her efforts at reconciling others who were in conflict. She became known as a great peacemaker.

On leaving the Patengola home, Angela went to live with Antonio Romano, a young merchant who had no family. From here Angela went on various pilgrimages to pray at the tombs of the martyrs and saints. She went to Mantua, Varallo and finally in 1524, Angela embarked on a journey to the Holy Land. This six month pilgrimage was fraught with all kinds of risks and dangers including pirates, storms and sailing off course.

Following this, Angela took a pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee year of 1525. During the two weeks she spent in Rome she had a personal visit with the Pope. He asked her to stay in Rome to be a director of an orphanage. Angela refused this offer because she had a strong sense that she was to return to Brescia to form her Company of women.

In 1529, under the threat of military raids, Angela agreed to take refuge at Cremona with the family of Agostina Gallo, a Brescian agriculturist and many others. There she came in contact with the court of Francesco Sforza 11, who was the exiled Duke of Milan. He expressed his desire to meet Angela during her stay in Brescia, asking her prayers for himself and the people of Milan.

Returning to Brescia she devoted herself to the work God had given her. She left the Gallo family and moved to a small room near the public fountain next to the Church of St Afra. This enabled her to be more available to people, to care for those who needed her and to offer them wise advice. It also gave her more time for prayer and time to begin forming the company of women foreshadowed in her vision at Brudazzo many years ago.

Guided by the Holy Spirit and confident of women’s capabilities, Angela established a state of life where women could live dedicated to God, open to spiritual motherhood while remaining in the world, with their families or in their own sphere of work. This freedom of choice was a great step forward in the empowerment of women.

Even though they were not bound by a common activity, they were not isolated, but members of a spiritual family supported by a rule and under the patronage of the virgin martyr, St Ursula. The foundation of the Ursulines, took place on November 25, 1535. This was just one year after St Ignatius Loyola had established the Society of Jesus.

Angela did not live long after the foundation of the Company. Her great gift to us comes in her writings. These are called counsels and legacies and contain so much of Angela’s wisdom and insights. Down through the centuries Ursuline Education has been shaped by the vision of Angela Merici. As educators we continue to be inspired, motivated and directed by her wisdom, her understanding of the human person and her relationship with God.

The following words are directly from Angela’s Counsels and Legacies.  They reveal a way of being in relationship with God and each other. Living in the way Angela invites us, not only allows us to live the Gospel authentically but also forms within us the heart of a true educator.

Have Respect for each person

“Consider the respect you owe them, for the more you respect them the more you will love them, and the more you love them the greater care you will have of them. Then it will be impossible for you not to have them all graven in your hearts night and day each one individually, for true love acts in this way.”

Relate to all with Kindness and Gentleness

“Be kind and gentle with your students… will achieve more with gentleness and kindness than by harsh and cutting rebukes.”

Trust in God

“Do not lose courage if you feel yourselves incapable of knowing and doing all that such a special charge demands. Have confidence and strong faith that God will assist you in everything.”

Be Inclusive

“Welcome them all, bear with all of them impartially because they are all God’s students and you have no idea what God wishes to make of them.”

Live in Harmony and Peace

“The last word that I address to you and one I urge upon you with all the ardour of my soul is that you live in harmony, united together in one heart and one will. Be bound to one another by the bond of love, treating each other with respect, helping each other, bearing with one another in Christ Jesus.”

General Information

Enrolment Policy

St Angela’s Primary School has been established to cater especially for the communities immediately in the vicinity of the School. Enrolment procedures will be followed to ensure that priority is given to families who share and support the special character of our Catholic schools. A priority order will be followed that supports:

  • A strong parish faith community
  • Gospel priority to support those in need
  • Priority to religious education
  • Parent/school partnership and a caring community
  • A strong Parent Group actively promoting the goals of the school

Enrolment Process

The procedure for enrolment at St Angela’s Primary School is as follows:

  • An information evening is to be attended by all families in March.
  • Enrolment packs made available and applications submitted. 
  • School office will contact families to arrange an interview.
  • The Parish Priest may invite families to an interview.
  • Applications are discussed at an Enrolment Committee meeting.
  • June – 1st round acceptances will be posted.
  • If available, 2nd round acceptances will be posted as soon as possible after that date.
  • Parents will be invited to attend an Orientation Evening in Term 4.
  • Children will visit the school for Orientation Mornings in Term 4.

The following forms are required at the time of lodging the application:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Baptismal Certificate
  3. Copy of the child’s current immunisation record.

Enrolments for children in Year 1-6 are undertaken at any stage of the year.

Apply now

Please contact the school office if you have any further questions on enrolment.

Enrolment Package

Please download enrolment package from here.

Catholic schools aim to keep their fees as low as possible and can provide flexible payment arrangements for families. Students who meet enrolment criteria will not be refused enrolment because of a families’ genuine inability to afford school fees.

School Fees are set by the Parramatta Diocesan Schools Council each year. There are very significant discounts for the second (25% reduction) and third (50% reduction) children enrolled from the one family. There are no fees for the fourth and subsequent school children enrolled in Parramatta Systemic schools. Please contact the school office for further details regarding fees and making payments.

In addition, various fees are charged by the school.

A Diocesan Scholarship Fund has also been established to provide scholarships to eligible students. Catholic systemic school scholarships will be granted equitably based on need and merit. Please see the Catholic Education Office Parramatta website for details.

“Welcome them all for you do not know what God has in mind for them.”
St Angela Merici 1535


Mrs Leanne Nettleton


St Angela's Primary
40 Harrington Avenue
Castle Hill  2154


9407 6400 



8:30 am - 10:30 am First learning session
10:30 am - 11:20 am 1st Break
11:20 am - 1:20 pm Second learning session
1:20 pm - 1:50 pm
2nd Break
1:50 pm - 2:50 pm Third learning session
2:50 pm Dismissal

Calendars are sent home at the beginning of each term with details/dates of significant events in the life of the school. Please note that dates sometimes need to be changed due to circumstances beyond our control. Changes will be advised through SHINE.

Back Gate

The back gate is open from 8:05am until 8:30am. A teacher is on duty during this time.

Front Kiss and Drop

The front gates are opened at 8:05am and cars begin to drive into the school grounds. Parents are asked to support the flow of traffic by not sitting in the middle of the road and instead, approach from the school side turning left into the school. Please do not drive into the school grounds and wait in the drive thru before 8:05am (when the teacher is on duty) as cars just follow each other in and then block the driveway resulting in early morning deliveries and staff entering the school being restricted. Parents are asked to note the following procedures to assist in keeping your children safe. Please drive to the furthest available area (as marked by the white lines) to allow as many cars into the Kiss and Drop area. To keep traffic flowing:

  • Parents are asked not to get out of the car.
  • Children are responsible for getting out of the car with their school bag and shutting the car door. They should exit the car on the kerb side of the driveway.
  • Adhering to the ‘left turn only’ traffic direction helps with the smoother flow of cars through the school and along Harrington Avenue.
  • Gates are often closed at 8:30am. Arriving after this time disadvantages your child as they miss out on important information in regards to their learning.

Staff supervision begins at 8:05am and finishes at 8:30am

  • Children who are left outside the gate before 8.05am are not supervised.
  • All children should be at school by 8.30am for assembly and related activities. If you arrive after this time you will need to park and walk with your child through the pedestrian gate to the school office and complete a late note.
  • You should observe normal road rules regarding parking. Please be aware that you may be fined if you park illegally. Police regularly patrol areas around schools.
  • Please be considerate of the property of residents surrounding the school when parking.

Any changes to these arrangements need to be in writing to the class teacher. Any changes of going home arrangements after the school day has commenced should only be made in cases of emergencies. All early departures and changes to going home arrangements need to be advised to the office before 2:30pm.

Students Leaving from the School’s Front Gate

  • To ensure the children’s safety, children will be escorted to the front gate by a teacher before buses depart.
  • To avoid congestion, parents who will be collecting their children and walking home on the oval side of Harrington Avenue are asked to wait on the oval side of the road. The children will be crossed in one group to awaiting parents or to walk home. We ask that parents do not come across and collect their child. This compromises the safety of children and multiple crossings would disrupt normal traffic flow.
  • Parents who will be collecting their children and walking home on the same side as the school are asked to wait outside the school grounds to the left of the driveways beyond the crossing so as to allow clear vision of the crossing and to avoid congestion. These children will be brought down to the gate after children have crossed the road.

Front Pick Up/Drive Through

  • Gates will be opened once the buses have departed.
  • Please drive to the furthest available area (as marked by the white lines) to allow as many cars in as possible.
  • Please have surnames clearly displayed in large print on your front windscreen as different teachers are on this duty and may not know you/your car.
  • Children will be directed to their car by a teacher. Parents do not get out of the car to assist the children.

Back Gate Walkers

Children will be taken to the back gate by teachers where they will either walk home or be picked up by parents.


Children attending COOSH line up in the designated area outside the hall.


We are proud of our public image and the uniforms further add to the sense of unity that we experience at St Angela’s. It gives our children a sense of identity and a sense of belonging. We ask that you assist your child and instil a sense of responsibility towards wearing the correct school uniform and grooming.

All items of uniform are purchased through our supplier Oz Fashions. Purchases can be made at any time using the order form which is available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school website. Order forms can then be left at the school office for collection by Oz Fashions or emailed to

Samples to try on are available in the school office. Additionally, Oz Fashions sells all items from the hall during each school vacation break. See Shine for dates & times.

Girls Uniform

Regulation school Summer dress (blue)
Plain ankle lemon socks, turn down tops
Black leather shoes

Regulation school navy, green and
yellow tunic
Lemon long sleeve blouse with
Peter Pan collar
Regulation school tab tie
Knee length navy socks or navy stockings
Black leather shoes

All girls’ dresses both Summer & Winter are to knee length (i.e. touching the ground when kneeling)

 Boys Uniform

Summer Winter
Navy Shorts
Open neck short sleeve lemon shirt
with school logo
Ankle navy socks
Black leather shoes
Long navy trousers
Long sleeve collar lemon shirt
Regulation school green and yellow striped tie
Navy socks
Black leather shoes

Jumpers: Regulation navy jumper or jacket with school logo.  No other jumpers or jackets are permitted.

Sports Uniform

Summer (Boys and Girls) Winter (Boys and Girls)
Regulation bottle green shorts
Regulation lemon sports polo shirt
White socks ankle length – NO sockettes
Regulation school tracksuit
Regulation lemon sports polo shirt
White socks ankle length – NO sockettes

Black sneakers are not permitted with the school uniform. Sport shoes are to be predominantly white, low cut runners. No high top basketball style runners are permitted.

Year 6 Polo Shirts

Year 6 students are allowed to wear their white Yr 6 Polo Shirt on their sport day and physical education day.

Sports Carnivals

On special event or sports carnival days all students are to wear the regulation colour house polo shirts with colour house names printed on back.  No other colour shirts may be worn on these days. If students do not have regulation colour house shirts then school sport polo shirts are to be worn.


Students are not permitted to wear jewellery to school at any time. The only exception to this is a wrist watch and a small pair of stud or sleeper earrings.

Make Up

No make up or nail varnish.


Black leather lace up, Velcro or buckle up, flat heeled shoes. All students need to ensure their shoes are clean and polished at all times. Black sandshoes are not permitted with the school uniform. Sport shoes are to be predominantly white, low cut runners. No high top basketball style runners are permitted.

School Bags

All students must have the regulation St Angela’s back pack. No other backpacks are permitted.


Hair dye or colour that is not a natural colour is not permitted at St Angela’s.

Paying attention to one’s appearance and personal cleanliness from an early age encourages students to take pride in the way they present themselves, not only at school, but at all times. Hair should be of reasonable length and hairstyles be appropriate for students of primary school age. Students are expected to keep their hair clean, neat and tidy at all times. Students are to keep hair off their face and out of their eyes.

The opportunity to buy pre-loved uniforms is provided by one of our parents. Should you wish to enquire about this service, please contact the office.

Children eat their lunch together outside. During wet weather or extremes of weather children eat in their classroom. Children unable to eat their lunch are encouraged to take it home. Please consider appropriate amounts of food that in turn promote a healthy diet and lifestyle. If your child forgets their lunch, they are permitted to visit the office and a sandwich will be made for them.

Our school endorses the use of hats and sun cream. Children at St Angela’s are to wear their hats when outside at all times. Parents are asked to encourage their children to use protective cream. Children without hats are required to remain in the designated shade areas. The school has a ‘no hat no play’ policy. There is a great deal of natural / man made shade in the playground that the children can take advantage of. On very hot days the children remain inside in air-conditioned comfort.

Children occasionally have minor injuries from their play. They are sent to the office for first aid care and attention to their injuries. The staff are well trained in first aid. Any serious accident/injury or head injury is immediately treated and parents are contacted. If parents cannot be contacted, emergency numbers will be used and, if necessary, emergency measures will be taken by the Principal or Assistant Principal.

If children are ill during the day parents are usually contacted to come to school and collect them. If parents are unable to be contacted, emergency contacts may need to be used. Regardless, the children will be cared for by the staff in sick bay.

An SMS will be sent on the day of a child's absence. Parents are requested to respond to this text on the day, with an explanation for the absence.

New guidelines regarding attendance at school have been put in place by the Department of Education. The new procedure is required if on the rare occasion you are seeking exemption from school, ie. holidays, participating in TV advertisements etc. A form which can be downloaded from our website needs to be completed and handed to the office. An approval form, (if appropriate) will then be forwarded to you. Exemption in excess of 50 days must be approved by the Catholic Education Office.

Supplying work for students on extended absences is possible but not always practical given that children need to be present for the learning cycle and instructions. Please discuss suitable activities if needed with your class teacher.

On occasional days throughout the year, class teachers may be ill or released from class to attend inservice courses, planning, meeting etc. Qualified teachers continue the teacher’s daily program on these days working closely with their grade partner’s to ensure the child’s learning continues. Consistency of relief teachers on a class, depending on availability, is always a priority.

The regional high school for St Angela’s is Marian College, Kenthurst. This school provides ongoing enrolment for our students. Marian is a co-educational high school. Marian communicates closely with us and continues the student’s progress and development within a very similar environment of care, faith and excellence. We encourage families to continue their schooling in the Catholic environment provided by our Systemic Catholic High School. The area also has a number of other local Independent/non systemic Catholic high schools such as Oakhill College at Castle Hill, Mt St Benedict’s College at Pennant Hills, Our Lady of Mercy College at Parramatta and Loreto College Normanhurst.

Please note, enrolments for systemic high schools take place in the year prior to enrolment. You will need to contact other Independent Catholic High Schools for their individual enrolment procedures.

We encourage our children to be responsible for their clothes and belongings. However, occasionally these are lost/misplaced. If each item has the child’s NAME clearly labelled it can be returned to the correct owner.

The ‘lost property’ baskets are found on the stage under the big top and outside the canteen.

No animals are to be brought into the school grounds without the permission of the Principal. The Animal Act needs to be followed at all times in relation to use of animals of any sort. The school is a pet free zone due to allergies and the variety of fear levels of community members.

Once a term our children have the opportunity to buy books through Scholastic Australia. All purchases are purely optional. Brochures are sent home and, if you wish to purchase, your selections are to be sent back to the office by the closing date which is advised in the school newsletter. It usually takes a few weeks for delivery. We appreciate the help of parents who voluntarily provide this service to the children.

All money sent to the school needs to be in a sealed envelope (even put sticky tape on the edges where coins will roll out!) The front of the envelope needs the following information:

  • Child’s name
  • Class
  • Amount
  • Details of payment (e.g. School fees)

You are urged to have all contact numbers held by the school up to date and current – especially the emergency numbers and parent contact numbers. PLEASE INFORM THE SCHOOL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY of any changes to address, phone number or contact numbers utilising the ‘change of details’ form available from the office. At times, the school will utilise a texting service to inform parents of pressing matters, e.g. late excursion bus, cancellation of a carnival due to wet weather.

It is essential that the students keep a raincoat in their bag. Please note that umbrellas are not permitted at St Angela’s for safety reasons.

Sending Home Information and News about Education.

The weekly newsletter to parents is sent home every Thursday and also available on our school website

The newsletter includes the following: Principal’s message; items pertaining to curriculum issues; students’ achievements and sporting results; dates of all school activities; reminders; school procedures of safety; general notices; parish news and Catholic Education Office information.

Contribute to the newsletter

All items for SHINE are to be emailed to the school office by midday Tuesday of the week of publishing.

Our website is an integral part of the school. Parents are encouraged to regularly visit this site for any information, photos of events, cancellation of events, policies, notes sent home, procedures etc. Please take note of the important policies and procedures available.

The school is well resourced with local buses. Further information and bus pass applications for children who live outside the 1.6km radius from the school are available from the school office.

Should a child lose his/her original free bus pass, an application for a new one must be made to the bus company involved. A fee may be charged by the bus company for replacement. Please emphasise to your child the high expectations we have of childrens' behaviour and safety when travelling on buses. Bus companies will refuse travel and take bus passes off children who are disruptive.

Please label ALL your child’s belongings including clothing, lunch box and lid, drink bottle, school bag, shoes, pencils and glue. Please check occasionally to ensure that the labels are still there and able to be read.

The students will be responsible for taking care of their Home Reading books and their library books.

As a significant partner in your child’s education, if you wish to seek clarification on any learning, procedure, behaviour or can assist the teacher through a ‘united approach’ towards your child’s development, it is appreciated and preferred if an appointment with the teacher is made. Your child’s classroom teacher should be your first port of call in this instance. Our sincere thanks to the dedicated teachers of St Angela’s who are always present, available and only too willing to work with you regarding your child, who are our first priority.

Parents are requested to supply a note including the date of and reason for their child’s absence from school.

To ensure your child’s safety and avoid confused children, a note detailing any changes in travel arrangements must be given to your child’s teacher or emailed to the office. Without confirmed instructions, students have to remain at school until parents are contacted to seek clarity. Please ensure that you sign and date all notes.

Throughout the school year, parents will have an opportunity to attend various Curriculum Information Meetings, Parent Workshops, and General Parent Meetings.

'Getting to know your child' parent/teacher interviews are held in the first few weeks of Term 1. Formal half year interviews are held in late June. Parents are welcome to organise additional meetings at any time of the school year if required.

If you wish to communicate with your child’s teacher, please let them know via a note, email to or phone through the school office.

Students who arrive at school after 8.40am have most likely missed roll call and need to report to the office with a parent or guardian to complete a ‘Student Late Note’.

If your child needs to leave school early, a written note to the class teacher is required.  Where possible, please try to make appointments for your child after school time or during holidays.

Any unexpected changes to students' afternoon travel arrangements need to be communicated to the school office before 2:30pm.

Prescription medication is only given to students with the written permission of parents. A ‘Medication Administration’ form must be completed at the School Office or can be downloaded from our website. Any medication for your child must be supplied in its original container. It should be clearly labelled with your child’s name, the name of the medication, dosage and frequency of administration. Appropriate equipment for administration is to be supplied by the parent. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure all medication remains current. All medication sent to school is kept in the School Office. Medication should be brought in by parents to ensure it reaches the office and does not remain in the child’s bag.

Please read the Term 1 issues of SHINE for further important information regarding the dispensing of students’ medication.

At St Angela's we have some students who have severe allergies to nuts. While allergic reactions are common and most are not serious, for some people the reaction can be life threatening.  This is called anaphylaxis and can occur within minutes of an exposure to a trigger, in these students' case nuts can cause death if not treated immediately.

We see prevention as a major part of providing a safe environment for these students. So as to support our community's duty of care, parents are requested not to send nuts or foods containing nuts to school at any time.  The following list gives examples of such foods:

  • Peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Nutella  
  • Biscuits and cakes containing nuts 
  • Snack packs containing nuts 
  • Chocolate bars containing nuts e.g. Picnics, Mars Bars (almond), Nut Breaks, Fruit and Nut chocolates
  • Marzipan and nougat 
  • Breakfast cereals containing nuts e.g. Crunchy Nut/Honey Nut Cornflakes, Muesli, Nutrigrain 
  • Muesli Bars and snack bars containing nuts 
  • Yoghurt and nut mixer packs 
  • Confectionary items such as Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs and Rocky Road

We realise that there may be trace elements of nuts in a variety of other foods. However, if you use the above list as a guide you will be doing your part. Your child's diet at home need not change.

If you have any concerns or questions please contact the school.

Thank you for your support in this important matter.

As per the NSW Teachers’ Award, six professional development days are timetabled for each year. One day per term is set aside for teachers to participate in professional development programs. On these days there are no classes for the students. These days ensure the continuing development of staff expertise, which in turn benefits the students. One of these days is always set aside for Religious Education. This total includes two days at the end of each year, when teachers return to school for planning and professional learning once children have finished.

Seasons for Growth is a vital part of the Pastoral Care program at St Angela’s. Students who have experienced the loss of a parent or significant other, through death, separation or divorce are assisted to understand and work through the grief process in a small group. The Seasons sessions are facilitated by trained 'companions' who are staff members. Students are catered for at all levels: K-2, 3-4 and 5-6. The program is generally organised in Term 3.

School photos are taken once each year. Each second year the students have their photos taken in summer uniform and they wear their winter uniform in the alternate year. The photos taken are class groups, family groups and individual shots. When appropriate, photos of other school groups or sporting teams are taken. The date is advised in SHINE.

In Term 4, the students in Year 5 nominate to be part of the Student Leadership Team for the following year. The students who are nominated give a speech on 'Why I Would Make A Good School Leader'.

The speeches are only one part of the selection process. Voting for the captains takes place after the speeches are given, by Year 5 peers and teachers.

Student Leadership Positions

  • School Captain: Boy & Girl
  • Vice Captain: Boy & Girl
  • Colour Captains: Boy & Girl for each colour house.

House Teams and Colours

  • Yellow - Merici - Angela’s family name
  • Red - Salo - the lakeside town where Angela stayed as a child
  • Green - Brescia - the city where Angela spent most of her adult life
  • Blue - Garda - the large lake in northern Italy on which Desenzano is situated.

One student from each class is chosen to represent their class at a meeting (one per term) to look at whole school student issues and to make suggestions on behalf of their class.

Each Kindergarten child is given a buddy from Year 6. The students will be ‘buddied up’ when going to Mass and during special occasions at the school. At times, the Year 6 students will visit their buddy class. They are also encouraged to say 'hello' to each other in the playground.  

The debating programme at St Angela’s provides an opportunity for students to develop public speaking skills.  Students are introduced to the debating format in Year 5 and are given the opportunity to participate in a Cluster Debating Competition in Year 6.  Through this competition, students are able to meet peers from other schools in the area.  They engage in challenging debates and develop teamwork skills.

Parents are invited to attend our open days which are held each term. These usually feature an assembly, morning tea and a visit to classrooms. Keep an eye on Shine Newsletter for details.

Term 1
Catholic Schools Week
Term 2
Mothers’ Day Celebrations
Term 3
Fathers’ Day Celebrations
Term 4
Grandparents’ Day Celebrations

The canteen is open on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunch time. Only 'Tasty Treats' are sold, e.g. ice blocks, drinks and slinky apples. Twice a term, lunches are sold to the students.

No toddlers or school students are permitted in the canteen.

The products sold at the canteen do not contain nuts.

Celebrating a birthday is something all children look forward to!  Some parents like to send a birthday treat to school to share. If you would like to do this, please send individual treats e.g. cupcakes or donuts as these are very manageable, (as opposed to a cake which is difficult to divide). As with all food brought to school, cakes should be nut free. If your child has allergies, you are encouraged to provide an alternate treat, in a labelled container, that can be left at school for them to have on other childrens’ birthday celebrations. Please Note: Due to allergies, we ask that you do not send lollies, chocolates or other treats in. Similarly at Easter or Christmas, we ask that you do not send in lollies, chocolates or candy canes. Although a lovely idea, ice blocks are not practical as we have limited freezer space. Thank you for supporting us as we endeavour to keep all children safe and happy

If your child has a mobile phone at school it is to remain in your child’s bag during the whole day on silent (or can be handed in at the office). Children are not permitted to ring their parents using their mobile phone during the school day. If children need to contact home this can be done through the office. Thank you for your support in this area.

On the odd occasion a child has a valuable item at school it can be left at the school office and picked up at the conclusion of the day.

Toys should not be brought to school.

Learning at St Angela's Primary

St Angela’s teach the same curriculum as government schools although there is a strong religious element across all Key Learning Areas. Expectations of achievement and conduct are high. With a strong focus on the individual, our broad curriculum is relevant to the students’ life experiences and promotes critical, creative and independent thinking;

  • A respect for the diversity of the intelligences of each child
  • Teaching strategies and experiences which respond to a range of individual learning styles and needs
  • Teaching methods that challenge children to develop as independent learners and achieve educational excellence
  • Purposeful integration across all Key Learning Areas
  • Cohesion across stages and grades with learning experiences and assessment practices
  • A commitment to Religious Education based on ‘Sharing Our Story’
  • Appropriate use of technology and information skills across Key Learning Areas
  • Opportunities for children to pursue their own gifts
  • An emphasis on the development of social skills and the ability to relate positively and effectively with each other
  • Provision for the professional development of the staff to meet curriculum and pedagogy changes
  • The importance of using modelling as a tool for teaching/learning
  • Ways for children to express their talents through physical activities and to use their leisure time creatively.

Our challenge as educators is to build a learning community in partnership with the home and Parish, which models relationships based on:

  • mutual respect
  • the affirmation and welcoming of individual differences
  • sharing and forgiveness
  • collaboration and support
  • generosity, gratitude and service

Our educational endeavours combine so that our students will be confident life-long learners who are encouraged to serve others and to embrace the fullness of life in their society as they become effective global citizens.

Our classrooms are places where...

  • Christ is present in all that we do.

  • children are involved in hands-on activities… learning by doing!

  • there are quiet times for prayer, reading, individual work. There is also productive noise time where children express their understanding of various experiences.

  • provision is made for the many different individuals in the class. At any one time, children may be working on different tasks and activities at levels which reflect and challenge their ability.

  • children experience success and opportunities in the pursuit of personal excellence.

  • children interact readily and co-operatively in groups. They plan, share ideas and help each other.

  • children are encouraged to ask questions, relate experiences and express opinions and feelings.

  • children have many opportunities to investigate, solve problems, think logically and creatively, communicate findings and express themselves in music, drama and dance.

  • everyone is respected, valued and treated with dignity – children, teachers and visitors.

  • play is a means of learning and expressing one's self

  • there is an environment of welcome, warmth, security, freedom to take risks, self discipline, challenge and stimulation to learn.

A good classroom is one where the curriculum is child-centred. It recognises individual differences and the importance of a student’s search for meaning. It provides opportunities for inquiry, learning, problem solving, group interaction, creative thinking and decision making.

We, the learning community of St Angela’s, believe that children learn best when:

  • There is an environment that is purposeful, stimulating and safe, where the students can experience a rich immersion into the learning and be empowered to take risks

  • Individual differences in terms of experiences, knowledge, talents, special needs, interests and learning styles are respected and become pivotal in planning the curriculum

  • The teaching and learning are grounded in supportive relationships that are based on mutual respect, affection, trust and cooperative learning

  • There is a range of strategies that connect the experiences of the children with the challenges of the curriculum and the multiplicity of their intelligences

  • Learning experiences are planned in a wholistic way to enable the students to make appropriate connections as they internalise and integrate the learnings

  • Their learning is relevant to everyday experience, where they understand the purpose behind their learning, and are encouraged to constantly reflect on their learning

  • They experience success and they are encouraged to learn from their mistakes

  • There is a continual modelling and demonstration of tasks and learnings by both teachers and students

  • The teachers enjoy what they are doing, the children are happy and motivated and there is a partnership between home and school

  • They experience firm and fair behaviour management, and the expectations put before them are high but realistic

  • Assessment of students is integrated within the processes of teaching and learning. Effort, as well as achievement, is recognised and the students themselves are involved in self-assessment.

Learning at St Angela’s is often integrated across several curriculum areas. The classroom teacher ensures that the teaching program follows the guidelines set down by the NSW Board of Studies and covers all curriculum areas. The Key Learning Areas are:

  • Religious Education

  • English
    Reading and Viewing, Writing and Representing, Speaking and Listening

  • Mathematics
    Number and Algebra, Space and Measurement, Statistics and Probability, Working Mathematically

  • Science and Technology
    Built Environments, Information and Communications, Living Things, Physical Phenomena, Products and Services, The Earth and its Surroundings

  • Human Society and Its Environment
    History and Geography

  • Creative Arts
    Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance

  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
    Active lifestyle, dance, games and sports, growth and development, gymnastics, interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, safe living

Curriculum development is an ongoing process of professional development and parent education, so that we ensure quality provision of teaching/learning in the school.

Religious Education is integral to all our teaching and learning programs as we instil Catholic values across the curriculum. We believe that an essential part of Religious Education happens in a school culture which is grounded in faith, hope and love. We strive to awaken within our school culture the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We look to the lives of St Angela and St Francis of Assisi as our models for the way to live out the Spirit.

Developing Faith

The units set down in Sharing our Story have been studied in Stages 1, 2 and 3 in the school. These units are designed with a theological and educational background and are developed with the appropriate teaching, learning and assessment strategies and resources.

Our main purpose as a Catholic school is the faith development of staff, children and parents within our parish community. Since the school began, an important aspect of our growing school culture has been developing a sense of reverence. Hence in all liturgies, prayers and quiet times that we organise for the children, these faith experiences are enhanced by their obvious reverence and understanding that it is a special time to communicate with their God.

Each morning the classes have time to pray and the children have prayer sessions at special times such as Easter, Advent and Pentecost. There are also opportunities for children to share a faith experience when their parents come to a liturgy for Mother's Day and Father's Day.

Sacramental Programs

The students of St Angela’s are prepared for the Sacraments of Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation through the parish based sacramental program at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Kellyville.  The instruction for each of these sacraments takes place in the family.  To complement these programs, the school also teaches sacramental units from Sharing Our Story.

In accordance with the Diocesan Sacramental Policy, the students receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Eucharist in Year 3 and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Year 6.

Opportunities are given to the students from Years 3 – 6 to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist at either the Parish Church or the school.

Enable active, healthy lifestyles

Children are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop skills and knowledge of games. Our children achieve success in a number of inter-school carnivals, including swimming, athletics, touch football, cross country, basketball and netball. A school swimming program is held towards the end of the year.

Children participate in a specialist PE lesson and a sports session each week.

Sports events during the year

Term 1
Diocesan Swimming Carnival, School Cross Country K-6, Soccer Gala Days
Term 2  Diocesan Cross Country, School Athletics Carnival, Infants Gross Motor
Term 3
Inter-school Netball Competition, Diocesan Athletics Carnival, Touch Gala Days, Dance Fever
Term 4 Life Saving Program Years 5-6, Swimming Program K-4

Selection Process

Where we are able to submit many teams we endeavour to allow a high representation of Year 6 children in their final year at St Angela’s. If we are restricted by limited teams by the organisers then we endeavour to select the most competitive possible team combination from all of the children trying out. Please be assured that we undertake selections seriously considering many aspects but all times ensuring the process is fair and unbiased.

Please note: Some of these school run activities/events are flexible and may be moved between terms. Children are also asked to wear their sports uniforms on their nominated PE and Sports days.

Sport Houses

There are four sport houses in the school. The names of these houses are connected to St Angela:

Merici Yellow Angela’s family name
Salo Red
The lakeside town where Angela stayed as a child
Brescia Green
The city where Angela spent most of her adult life
Garda Blue
The large lake in northern Italy on which Desenzano is situated.  This is the town where Angela was born and lived her early childhood.

All students are placed in a house when they enrol in the school and stay in the same house for the years they are at St Angela’s. Students in the one family are in the same house. Students are encouraged to take pride in their sports house and to support all the students in their house.

Sport Captains

Two Year 6 students lead each sport's house. These students are elected through voting at the end of their Year 5 year. The students in each individual house in Years 4 and 5 vote for their captains. These captains are regarded as team leaders and also assist the sport's coordinator with general sport procedures.

Specialist Music Teacher

Our specialist music teacher encourages the children to develop their musical skills in all areas. We are proud of the students' musical abilities and their growth in this area.

School Choir

Children in primary grades have the opportunity to be in the school choir. The choir practises on Thursdays during lunch time. The choir performs on various occasions both in and out of the school.

School Band and Instrument Lessons

Children in primary grades have the opportunity to learn an instrument within class time and/or be part of the St Angela’s Band. Lessons are available in groups of approximately five students. These lessons are an additional cost and are independently provided by Teaching Services Australia. Children perform at various school events.

Our library is co-ordinated by a qualified teacher/librarian. All students have the opportunity for lessons, borrowing, skill development and information research. It plays a central role in our school. The library is fully utilised as a learning centre which supports the teaching programs in the classrooms. Our book collection is extensive and very well equipped. The integration of learning technologies are an integral part of the library’s program. Each child is expected to have a library bag to protect the books they borrow when transporting to/from class and home. It is the children’s responsibility to ensure books borrowed are returned and not misplaced.

The school is well equipped with 21st Century technologies. Teachers integrate technology across all Key Learning Areas to enhance students' learning.

Our children are involved in a wide range of special activities which aim to cater for the development of all our gifts and talents. The children are able to participate and succeed in numerous spheres which develop the 'whole' person - including Voice of Youth (public speaking), International Competitions of Australian Schools (ICAS), excursions and camps, extensive sports carnivals and gala days, a swimming program, Creative Arts Expo, Choir, Band, instrument lessons, debating, chess and other pursuits.

Two merit cards per class are given out weekly. These are presented to appropriate children. They are in the area of Learning Excellence and a St Angela’s Award for those who aspire the values of our Catholic school culture.

Communicating With Parents

Our school is blessed by having an extremely generous and dynamic parent group. The parents play a crucial role in the ongoing support of teachers and children in the classrooms.

Their ministry of service is focused on the children's welfare and learning. Every parent is urged to be fully involved in activities and to utilise their talents, time, energy and resources for the benefit of our children. There is a very real and obvious spirit and partnership between the parents and school.

General Parent meetings are held once per term. These are notified in the SHINE Newsletter and on the School Calendar. All are most welcome to attend.

Our Classrooms

There are many opportunities to be involved and to feel part of our school community. We encourage you to participate in the life of the school in some way if at all possible. Class parent representatives are organised for each class and are a valuable contact for new families, building community and support networks.

Parents are invited to participate in the school in many ways, including classroom assistance with the children, excursions, helping out with food days, helping in the library etc.

We are very appreciative of the support given by our parent volunteers in a number of school activities. If you would like to be a volunteer, in any capacity at St Angela’s, you must complete the child protection requirements. The Catholic Education Office has replaced the Child Protection Briefing with an online training module for use by volunteers. All parents new to St Angela’s or parents whose child protection is due to expire, (i.e. every two years) are requested to follow the link below. Once completed, an email is then sent to you and to the school, confirming that your child protection is now up to date.

Child Protection must be completed by all parents wishing to help out in the school on excursions, carnivals, canteen and classrooms etc. With so many volunteers in so many capacities in our school community, it is important to ensure that every parent is clear about child protection legislation and procedure. These procedures are implemented to help create an environment that is safe and secure where we care and look out for each other with the children as the priority.

Parents and teachers are urged to have regular, open and honest communication regarding their child’s progress and development.

We hold parent/teacher information evenings early in Term 1 so you can meet your child’s teacher and visit the school. Interviews are held regularly throughout the year as needed but in particular in Term 2 to coincide with half yearly reports.

We hope you will be able to attend all meetings and interviews so as to develop a strong communication and relationship between home and school.

Government legislation requires every school to report their child’s achievements (excluding Kindergarten) using an A-E ranking. There is a half yearly report and an end of year report.

Assessment of Achievement
A Excellent Achievement The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
B High Achievement The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C Sound Achievement The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence.
D Basic Achievement The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of achievement.
E Elementary Achievement The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the areas.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have any queries in regards to your child’s schooling.

Each grade sends home an overview in the first few weeks of each term outlining relevant outcomes, learning activities and themes for the upcoming term.

Some helpful things

  • Talk with your child. Listen to them. Share the day’s events, express feelings. What were the successes and difficulties? (Please seek clarification if unclear about any aspect of your child’s learning/behaviour, especially given that new experiences are retold from their eyes and can sometimes be confusing).

  • Be interested in their schooling. Communicate to the child and teacher that you are happy or concerned. Listen. Work with them. Interact at every opportunity.

  • Celebrate your child’s strengths

  • Read to your child and encourage them to read to you

  • Praise and affirm them at every opportunity

  • Allow children to make choices and decisions

  • Do not overcommit your child with extra curricular activities

  • Challenge them to think logically/creatively

  • Encourage them to take risks, to be confident, to try alternatives and to learn from their mistakes

  • Teach them to reflect, pray and to thank God for their many talents and blessings

  • Allow them
    • to dream
    • to play
    • to enjoy
    • to wonder and imagine
    • to live life to the fullest
    • to know God in their lives


  • Work in partnership and support the school so that your child experiences a united approach.

Workbooks are sent home each term.

We encourage you to write a comment to your child in their book after their last piece of work. Children really do treasure your comments and it allows us to see that the book did indeed leave the school bag and that you have taken the time to walk through it with your child. Additionally, we ask that the books be returned promptly to school the next day so that your child can continue their written work in the appropriate book.

Please remember that not all work undertaken in the Key Learning Areas is recorded in workbooks. Eg. In Religious Education prayer, role plays, research reading, listening to God’s word etc. also play an important part in the children’s learning. In Mathematics, children also undertake a great deal of mental computation, reasoning and problem solving. They are also often required to articulate their thinking in a group.


 Dear Parents,

As you are aware an approach that is both reasonable and appropriate is followed with uniform and grooming standards in our school.  The dignity and self esteem of children are always kept in mind when maintaining the standard and pride of St Angela’s uniform.

It would therefore be appreciated if you could attend to the following uniform/grooming issues with regard to your child ____________________________ in class___________.


  • ____________________________________________________________

  • ____________________________________________________________

  • ____________________________________________________________


Please do not hesitate to clarify these expectations with me if required.

Yours sincerely,


The purpose of this policy is to contribute to the development of a climate St Angela’s where everyone is valued and feels safe. It reflects the following items from The School’s Mission Statement:

Our school environment reflects

  • Safety in the whole school precinct
  • Respect for one self, others, property and the school.

The Learning Programs reflect

  • Processes and strategies to facilitate positive student management
  • An emphasis on the development of social skills and the ability to relate positively and effectively with each other.

Our educational endeavours encourage the children to embrace the fullness of life in their society as they become effective, global citizens.

This policy aims to:

  • Ensure a whole school commitment to the prevention of bullying behaviours at St Angela’s.
  • Provide a framework for resolving any bullying issues that may occur.

Definition of bullying

Bullying is repeated incidents involving a bigger, stronger or more powerful child on a smaller or weaker child, or a group of children on a single child. These incidents might be verbal, physical, social or psychological in nature. The child being bullied is in a situation that they cannot leave and feels powerless to prevent.

Prevention and Management

The role of Teachers

  • Model respectful language and tolerant behaviour.
  • Create a caring and inclusive classroom environment.
  • Teach social skills and problem-solving skills
  • Raise children’s awareness of bullying
  • Listen to children’s reports of bullying and act appropriately to stop it.

The Role of Students

  • Children who are bullied must tell their parents and teacher.
  • Children who witness bullying should support the child being bullied and seek teacher assistance if it does not stop.

The Role of Parents

  • Speak to their child’s teacher if they believe that their child is being bullied
  • Work with the school in solving the problem.

The role of the School

  • Implement a whole school approach to behaviour management based on Christian values and attitudes.
  • Use School Assemblies to raise children’s awareness of bullying, promote positive behaviours and to reinforce social skills.
  • Implement playground supervision practices that make play a safe and positive experience for all children.
  • Record and follow up all reported incidents of bullying.
  • Use the ‘No Blame’ approach to address bullying.
  • Provide information to parents on bullying.
  • Work in partnership with parents when addressing bullying incidents. 


The purpose of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) at St Angela’s Primary School, Castle Hill is to:

  • enhance student learning opportunities
  • promote student achievement
  • support student – school communication

The use of these ICTs within school should be responsible, legal, appropriate and for educational purposes and should follow the guidelines outlined in this policy.

This policy applies to the use of all school related ICTs for educational purposes, whether provided by the school or the student.

Both students and parents/guardians must read and sign this policy. It should then be returned to your class teacher.


Information and Communications Technologies are any electronic device or related applications which allow users to record, send, access or receive information, in textual, audio, image or video form. These may include but are not restricted to:

  • computer systems and related applications such as email and internet
  • discussion forums, chat rooms, blogs, social networking sites, podcasts, instant messaging systems
  • mobile phones, PDAs
  • fax machines
  • video or still cameras
  • audio recording devices

Acceptable Uses

Student should:

Respect resources

  • Use ICT equipment and resources for educational purposes under teacher supervision
  • Follow teacher directions for accessing files, programs, email and internet resources
  • Ask permission from your teacher before following online prompts

Respect others

  • Respect the rights, beliefs and viewpoints of others. Follow the same standards of behaviour online as you are expected to follow in real life
  • Follow the Netiquette guidelines for online communications (see No 8)
  • Observe Copyright rules by respecting the information, ideas and artistic works of others
  • Acknowledge the author or publisher of information from the Internet and do not claim the work or pictures as your own

Keep yourself safe online

  • Keep your passwords and personal work secure
  • Use the Internet and email only under teacher supervision
  • Use only school provided email accounts when communicating online
  • Ask your teacher before providing any personal details online
  • Always get teacher permission before publishing any personal information or photos on the Internet or in an email

Unacceptable Uses

Respecting limitations on resources

You should NOT:

  • Use ICTs for other than educational activities
  • Provide your password to others
  • Use the passwords or access the files of other users
  • Install or use software which is not licensed by the school
  • Enter any information online without teacher permission
  • Download files or share files with other Internet users without teacher permission

Respect others

Messages sent using the school’s ICTs may be monitored.

You should NOT:

  • Post or send inappropriate, hurtful or inaccurate comments about another person
  • Use disrespectful or inappropriate language
  • Harass another person. If someone tells you to stop sending them messages, you must stop
  • Re-post a private message without the permission of the person who sent the message
  • Take or send photos, sound or video recordings of people without their permission
  • Use the ideas or writings of others and present them as if they were your own
  • Use material from the internet in a manner which breaks copyright laws

Keeping yourself safe online

It is important to keep yourself and others safe when you go online.

You should NOT:

  • Send photos or post detailed personal information about yourself or other people. (Personal contact information includes your home address, telephone or mobile number, school address, email addresses, etc.)
  • Meet with someone you have met online without your parent's /guardian’s approval and participation

Illegal Activities

Activities which threaten the safety of others or deliberately damage school ICT resources are illegal. Such activities may be reported to the police.


You should:

  • Tell your teacher immediately about any messages you receive that are rude or that upset or worry you
  • Turn off the monitor and tell a teacher immediately if you accidentally access something inappropriate. This will make sure that you are not blamed for deliberately breaking the School Acceptable Use Policy
  • Tell a teacher if someone else is doing something which offends you or is not permitted


Netiquette refers to the guidelines and etiquette for online communication

You should:

  • Respect other users
  • Behave online as you are expected to behave in real life
  • Make sure that email and online messages are written carefully and politely
  • Use appropriate language and keep messages short and precise
  • Be careful about making jokes. Jokes can be misunderstood and hurt people’s feelings
  • Do not type in all capitals. It is like shouting online. Shouting at someone is impolite
  • Anything you post online or in an email should be checked by a teacher/adult before it is sent.

Consequences of improper use

Consequences for any student breaking these rules may include:

  • loss of access privileges for a period of time
  • informing parents/guardians
  • legal action

Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
Letter of agreement (Years K-2)


My teacher has explained, and I understand, the rules and responsibilities of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy.

I also understand that, the principal and my parents/guardians will be notified immediately, if I do not keep these rules and do not act responsibly. I understand I may also be unable to use the Internet and school ICT for a considerable period of time if I do not act according to the correct procedures as set out in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________

Class: _______________________________

Signature: ____________________________


Parent or Guardian

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Acceptable Use Policy.

I understand that the school’s ICT resources are designed for educational purposes. I also recognise that it is impossible to completely restrict access to controversial materials. I hereby give permission for my child to be given access to information and communication technologies as deemed appropriate by the school, including access to email and the internet.

Publication of Photographs / Recordings

Taking photographs / recordings of students can constitute a collection of their personal information.  Occasionally photographs / recordings are taken of individual students and classes of students at school and used for various publications, e.g. school website. If you do not wish photographs / recordings of your child to be used, please send a letter advising us of your wishes to the office marked ‘Technology – Publication of Photographs’.


Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________


Signature: ____________________________


Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
Letter of agreement (Years 3-6)


I have read and understand the rules and responsibilities of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy.

I also understand that, the principal and my parents/guardians will be notified immediately, if I do not keep these rules and do not act responsibly. I understand I may also be unable to use the Internet and school ICT for a considerable period of time if I do not act according to the correct procedures as set out in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________

Class: ______________

Signature: ____________________________


Parent or Guardian

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Acceptable Use Policy.

I understand that the school’s ICT resources are designed for educational purposes. I also recognise that it is impossible to completely restrict access to controversial materials. I hereby give permission for my child to be given access to information and communication technologies as deemed appropriate by the school, including access to email and the internet.

Publication of Photographs / Recordings

Taking photographs / recordings of students can constitute a collection of their personal information.  Occasionally photographs / recordings are taken of individual students and classes of students at school and used for various publications, e.g. school website. If you do not wish photographs / recordings of your child to be used, please send a letter advising us of your wishes to the office marked ‘Technology – Publication of Photographs’.


Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________


Signature: ____________________________

This policy has been formulated in consultation with St Angela’s school staff, parents and students.

The following items from St Angela’s School Mission Statement guide the beliefs expressed in this policy.

Our challenge as educators is to build a learning community in partnership with the home and Parish.

Our educational endeavours combine so that our students will be confident life-long learners who are encouraged to serve others and to embrace the fullness of life in their society, as they become effective global citizens.

At St Angela’s we believe:

Homework provides opportunities for students to:

  • link school learning with home learning experiences
  • consolidate learning and practise skills with the support and encouragement of their parents or caregivers
  • learn to manage their time effectively
  • develop independent work habits.

Homework activities should

  • reinforce and complement learning that takes place at school
  • challenge and support children in becoming independent learners
  • be positive experiences and should not cause anxiety for children or parents.

We acknowledge the wide range of physical and educational activities outside of school that enhance children’s well-being and overall development.

As partners in education, parents, teachers and students all have responsibilities.

Teachers should

  • inform parents of the homework requirements and procedures at the beginning of the school year
  • ensure that the children understand their homework tasks
  • mark, sign and date the children’s homework
  • monitor the children’s efforts with their homework.
  • modify homework activities as needed.

Parents should

  • sign and date their child’s homework
  • organize for a regular homework time
  • provide quiet space, free from distractions
  • communicate any difficulties to their child’s teacher
  • support their child in developing effective homework habits.

Students should

  • accept responsibility for completing their homework neatly and to the best of their ability
  • complete and return their homework on Friday mornings.

At St Angela’s homework will consist of

  • daily reading and the learning of sight words  in Kindergarten
  • daily reading and spelling activities in Year 1
  • daily reading, spelling and activities that practise and consolidate classroom learning in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Homework may include research activities and activities related to the children’s interests.

Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 homework should take no more than 20 minutes each day over 4 days.

Years 3, 4 and 5 homework should take no more than 30 minutes each day over 4 days.

Homework will

  • be completed over 4 days from Monday to Thursday
  • commence the first full week of Term 1 and week 1 of Terms 2, 3, and 4
  • not be given for the last 2 weeks of each term
  • not be prepared for children who are absent during the school term for sickness or holidays
  • include, where appropriate, computer and/or internet activities

Any changes to the above procedures will be at the discretion of the Principal.


This policy will be evaluated through regular staff discussion and parent feedback.

The belief statements for this policy are based on the following items from The School’s Mission Statement.

The Learning programs reflect

  • Processes and strategies to facilitate positive student management
  • An emphasis on the development of social skills and the ability to relate positively and effectively with each other.

Our school environment reflects

  • Safety in the whole school precinct
  • Respect for one self, others, property and the school.

Our educational endeavours encourage the children to embrace the fullness of life in their society as they become effective, global citizens.

Belief Statements

  • Children need to know the rules and recognize that they are just and understand that there are logical consequences for breaking rules.
  • Children understand that all at St Angela’s have rights and that with rights come responsibilities.
  • The co-operation of parents is essential in supporting this policy.
  • Reward, praise and encouragement of appropriate behaviour are central to this policy.
  • This policy is directed at encouraging the children to become effective and responsible members of society.
  • Our actions are based on mutual respect between staff, children, parents and the wider community and on the values of justice, equity, consistency, compassion and forgiveness.
  • We are a Christ centred community where the development of each individual is nurtured.

Belief Statement

At St Angela’s primary school we believe that a road safety policy provides a framework of common understanding for students, staff, parents, carers and the community who interact with the school to provide a safe environment.

Our school is founded on the person of Jesus Christ and is committed to educate in Gospel values; especially in hope, love, justice and care for others in the community.

The main intention of this policy is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our students who use the services and facilities of this school. We do this by assessing the risks in the road environment around our school, developing practical school management procedures and ensuring that curriculum pertaining to all road safety issues is taught to our students.

Environment Statement

St Angela’s primary school is bounded by two streets, Harrington Avenue at the front of the school, and Orleans Way at the rear. These streets are zoned for 40km per hour during the hours of 8:00am to 9:30am and 2:30pm to 4:00pm. This zoning applies to the surrounding streets. Outside these specified times 50km per hour speed zone applies. Harrington Avenue is a fairly busy road, while Orleans Way is a quiet residential street. Both Harrington Avenue and Orleans Way have a footpath. There are restricted parking signs in the streets surrounding the school. There is a bus bay on Harrington Avenue at the front of the school.


At St Angela’s primary school we aim to provide a quality road safety education program (K-6) that develops attitudes, behaviours and values promoting responsible road use. At St Angela’s primary school we aim to have procedures and practices in place that maximise the safety of students when they arrive at school and when they leave school.

Curriculum Statement

At St Angela’s primary school our staff will develop and implement effective, sequential road safety education programs within the K-6 PDHPE key learning area. Our programs will make use of the NSW Road and Traffic Authority (RTA) Move Ahead with Street Sense materials and address the following road safety issues for our students:

  • passenger safety
  • bus safety
  • pedestrian safety and
  • safety on wheels (bicycles, scooters, roller-blades and skateboards).

School Management Procedures

At St Angela’s primary school the staff will maximise the safety of students by putting in place the following procedures:

Arrival and Departure

Walking to and from school

Parents and carers who walk to school with their children are expected to support the school’s road safety programs by modelling safe road behaviours. These include:

  • Teaching children to STOP LOOK and LISTEN every time they cross the road

  • Holding a child’s hand (for those children up to 8 years of age) and actively supervising all children as they walk to school

  • Using footpaths and the flagged children’s crossing outside the back school gate in Orleans Way

  • Walking with children to cross the road (not calling  children to cross the road)

  • Crossing roads away from parked cars

  • Waiting safely at bus stops and waiting until the bus has gone before choosing a safe place to cross the road.
Students who walk to school enter via the front school pedestrian gate or the back school gate. Both these entry points are supervised by a teacher.

Students who walk home from school leave via the back school gate and are supervised by teachers as they walk to the gate. No students are to leave via the front gate without prior arrangement with the Principal.


School buses drop all students off at the bus bay front of the school (Harrington Avenue) in the mornings. The teacher on duty will supervise the students entering the school grounds.At the end of the school day students line up in their bus line in the school grounds and are then supervised by the teachers as they board the buses.


There are a number of children who ride their bicycles to and from school each day. As the children’s safety is always a priority at St Angela’s, it is important that parents and children know and follow the Roads and Traffic Authority’s (RTA) regulations. St Angela’s school also has rules and procedures for bicycle safety and they are outlined below.

  • Children must correctly wear a Standards Australia approved bicycle helmet at all times when in control of a bicycle.
  • All RTA road rules concerning bicycles are to be followed. This includes the pedestrian’s right of way on footpaths. The bell should be used as a warning when approaching pedestrians.

  • Bicycles ridden to school must be in good, safe working order and bicycles must be fitted with a bell. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that the bicycle is in good and safe working order and that all protective equipment as required by law is provided.

  • Bicycles riders must dismount when they reach the school gates in the morning and walk their bicycles into the school grounds through the pedestrian gate.

  • In the afternoons the children walk their bicycles to the pedestrian gate under the supervision of a teacher.

  • Bicycles and helmets are stored on school grounds at the owner’s risk.

  • Parents will be notified if students do not adhere to these procedures and permission to ride to school will be withdrawn until the issues identified have been satisfactorily addressed.

  • No riding of bicycles, scooters, roller blades or skateboards is permitted in school grounds during or outside school hours.

  • All children who ride a bicycle to school must have the permission form below signed by their parents and returned to school.

The Catholic Education Office and NSW Roads and Traffic Authority recommends that children under 10 years of age DO NOT ride bicycles to or from school unless accompanied by an adult.

By car

St Angela’s has before and after school procedures in place for those parents who drive their children to and from school.

  • A teacher is on duty in the drop off area in front of the school from 8:05am to greet the children.

  • School gates open at 8:05am and parents drive in a single car line to the drop of area.
  • Children are to get out of the car by themselves with their bag and move away from the car onto the footpath. Goodbyes are said in the car before the child gets out. Children exit their car on the footpath side of the car. Drivers are to be mindful of the possible dangers of children doing unexpected things and to drive slowly and carefully.

  • The school gates will be closed at 8:30am and parents who wish to enter the school grounds must park outside the school grounds.

  • There is no right turn when exiting the school.


  • In the afternoons teachers will supervise the children in the Kiss and Drop Area while they wait for their parent’s car.

  • The school front gates will open when the last bus has departed. Parents will then drive in single file through the school gate with the family name displayed on the windscreen.

  • Teachers will direct students to their cars. Parents are to remain in their cars.

  • Students enter their car on the footpath side of their car.

  • Parents should ensure that seatbelt restraints for all passengers are done up prior to driving away.

  • There is no right turn when exiting the school.

There are NO STOPPING signs either side of the bus zone and the crossing in Orleans Way. Parents are asked to be mindful of the restricted parking signs that have been put in place around the school site to increase children’s safety. The streets surrounding the school are zoned for 40km per hour during the hours of 8:00 am to 9:30am and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

Parents transporting students  

If parents are requested to drive students to and from activities during school time they will be required to complete the permission note, Permission to transports students during school hours to approved school activities by a parent. The driving parent, parent/ carer of the child being driven and the principal are all required to sign the note.


Members of the St Angela’s school community are reminded via SHINE and school orientation activities of the following important road safety practices:

  • modelling safe road user behaviour
  • parking vehicles safely outside the school and observing all parking signs
  • ensuring that children are protected whilst travelling to and from school
  • reinforcing the safety messages taught at school
  • supervising the travel of young students
  • identifying and reporting safety issues in and around the school 
  • contributing to the solving of road safety issues that are of concern to the school and community.

Discretionary Basis

The Principal has the right if discretion to make provision for departure from the policy or the application of the policy in the event of unforseen and exceptional circumstances.This policy was prepared in consultation with school staff, parents/carers, students and the Parramatta Diocesan Road Safety Education Adviser.

Adoption date: March 2008
Review date:    March 2010


A place where all are welcome
with space for all to grow
surrounded by Creation
we let God’s Spirit flow

We work and play together
respecting everyone
and do our best (clap, clap) with all our gifts (clap, clap)
to help God’s kingdom come

Like St Angela - we will follow
wherever Jesus leads
and open up our hearts
to those in need

Let your light shine! (I’m gonna let it shine!)
Let the glory of God shine in every heart
Let your light shine! (I’m gonna let it shine!)
Let the love of Christ light the way!

A place of special people
where every voice is heard
and with our friends (clap, clap) we learn new things
And grow from what we’ve learned



This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Every day, every way, every day in every way
I’m gonna let my little light shine

Repeat Chorus


On Monday He gave me the gift of love,
On Tuesday peace came from above,
On Wednesday He told me just what to say,
On Thursday He taught me just how to pray,
On Friday He gave me a little more faith,
On Saturday he gave me a lot more grace,
On Sunday He gave me the power divine
To let my little light shine.


Repeat verse


I’m gonna let my little light shine
I’m gonna let my little light shine
I’m gonna let it shine
Oh Oh Oh Shine


Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism,
They learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility,
They learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule,
They learn to be shy.
If children live with shame,
They learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance,
They learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement,
They learn confidence.
If children live with praise,
They learn to appreciate.
If children live with fairness,
They learn justice.
If children live with security,
They learn to have faith.
If children live with approval,
They learn to like themselves.
If children live with acceptance and friendship,
They learn to find love in the world.
Dorothy Law Nolte.