In this article: Principal's message, Religious Education, 2023 Open Days, Uniforms available for new 2023 Kindy parents, dates for your diary, upcoming events, sports update, COVID-19, reports, Compass Parent Portal, Year 6 Graduation, St Angela's Feast Day
In this article: Advent, Year 5 Camp, Reconciliation, Shine Quest, End of Year Mass, School Enrolment Open Day and Tours, Sports Update, Diary Dates, St Angela’s Feast Day Celebrations, Compass Parent Portal, Semester Two Reports, Christmas Concert, Hamper Appeal
In this article: Kindergarten 2023 open day, upcoming events, sports update, swimming carnival, COVID-19, canteen roster, St Angela’s Family Christmas Concert 7th December
In this article: Principal's message, Family Week, Religious education news, sports news, canteen roster, upcoming dates for your diary, upcoming events, Mission Markets, Vinnies Christmas Hamper, COVID-19, Greg Whitby farewell
In this article: Principal's message, Religious Education, demountables, student drop off and pickup, second hand uniforms, COVID-19, canteen roster, canteen cash, upcoming events, notes sent home this week, sports news, Mission Markets, St Vincent De Paul (Vinnies) Christmas Hamper Appeal
In this article: Principal's message, 2023 Dioceasan Team Sports, Kindergarten 2023 Parent Information Evening, Staff Development/Pupil Free Day 11th November 2022, Upcoming Events/School Calendar, Year 6 Dinner Dance, Sports Update, 2nd hand uniforms for sale, notes sent home this week, Canteen Cash Cards, Canteen Roster, COVID-19, Moving Day
In this article: Principal's message, Grandparents Day, Religious Education news, upcoming events, pupil free day 11th Nov, notes sent home this week, Sports news, second hand uniform sale, COVID-19, school fees
In this article: Principal's message, Grandparents Day, Religious Education News, second hand uniform sale, notes sent home, sports update, COVID-19
In this article: Principal's address, St Francis of Assissi Feast Day, Our Lady of Our Rosary, October as the Month of the Rosary, St Angela's Mini Vinnies, Upcoming Events, Notes sent home, Sports news, COVID-19, Colour Fun Day Fundraising Prize Winners
In this article: Principal's message, COVID-19, school fees, Colour Fun Day Fundraiser & lost property, Season of Creation, Mini Vinnies, sports news, notes sent home this week, upcoming events, Reconciliation 2022
In this article: Principal's message, The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, birthdays, notes sent home this week, upcoming events, thank you parent volunteers, celebrating our gifts, Author Visit - Tristan Bancks, Gus Gordon, Reconciliation, St Angela's Writing Festival, Rotary Writing Competition 2022, Infants K-2 Dance Fever Showcase, Dance Fever, Colour Fun Day, Sports news
In this article: Principal's message, birthdays, notes sent home this week, upcoming events, Voice of Youth, COVID-19, 2022 NSW Premier's Reading Challenge, Fathers Day 2022, sports update, school fees, Colour Fun Day Fundraiser, Reconciliation 2022, Ambrose
In this article: Principal's message, staff development day, World Day of Prayer, Father's Day, COVID-19, Sports News, notes sent home, upcoming events, school bell times, school notes and forms, Colour Fun Day Friday 9th September
In this article: Principal's message, St Angela's First Ever Colour Fun Day, Religious Education, COVID-19, Cyber Safety presentation, cuppa & chat, notes sent home this week, upcoming events, sports news, Fathers Day, Premiers Reading Challenge, Book Week 2022, CAPTIVATE Band Concert, STEM MAD, Voice of Youth, QKR
In this article: Principal's message, religious celebrations, COVID-19, birthdays, cyber safety presentation, upcoming events, birthdays, notes sent home, cuppa and chat in the hall, Premier's Reading Challenge, sports update, Colour Fun Day fundraiser, health records/medication updates, lost property
In this article: Principal's message, staff development day friday 26th August, eSafety Comission webinar, Cyber safety presentation, COVID-19 Update, upcoming events, sacrament of confirmation, touch football Gala Days, community news, Compass parent portal, safe and caring school survey
In this article: Principal's message, welcome back, prayer, birthdays, COVID-19, sports news, Gala Days, notes sent home, upcoming dates for your diary, student drop off and pick up, Premiers Reading Challenge, application for extended leave
End of Term Congratulations, Building Project to Commence, Rev Bill Crews Food Drive, COVID-Safe Protocols, Sports News, Reading Challenge Updates, Walkathon, Upcoming Dates
This week: 10th World Meeting of Families, Diversity is the Norm, COVID Cases, Stop Work Action 30th June, Year 6 Graduation Committee Meeting, Gala Day, Winter Uniforms, Semester One Reports, Upcoming Events
In this article: Principal's message, Wacky Socks and Winter Woolies day, COVID-19, peer support, notes sent home, peer support, parent teacher interviews, upcoming dates for your calendar, gala days, reading
Family Week, Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Upcoming Dates, COVID-19 Safety Protocols, Special Food Day, Parent Volunteers Needed, Tell Them From Me Survey, Athletics Carnival Pledge, Year 6 Canberra Excursion, Date changes for Gala Days, School Photo Day.
In this article: Principal's address, Pentecost, upcoming dates, Tell them from me survey, safeguarding, school photos, evacuation drills, parent and carer online gaming safety webinar, items sent home, COVID-19, OzFashion, School Uniform, peer support, sports news, gala day, athletics carnival
In this article: Principal's message, no scheduled classes due to industrial action, upcoming dates, notes sent home, Laudato si, Premier's Reading Challenge, Year 6 Canberra excursion, Tell Them From Me (TTFM), birthdays, COVID-19, peer support, Oz Fashion uniforms deliery, sports news, gala day, lost property, work books sent home, school photo day, Pokemon cards banned, parent and carer webinar, Dance for Sick Kids
In this article: Principal's message, first Holy Communion, Dance for Sick Kids, birthdays, COVID-19, celebrating our gifts, workbooks sent home, general parent meeting, sports news, safeguarding, star spot, upcoming dates, dates for your diary, peer support, parent and carer webinars, Compass Parent Portal, NRMA Science and Road Safety Day, Pokemon cards banned, school photo day uniforms, going home arrangements, Tell Them From Me Survey (TTFM) 2022, fundraising, PRemier's Reading Challenge, student drop off and pick up, notes sent home.
In this article; Principal's message, first Holy Communion, birthdays, COVID-19, work books sent home, sports news, athletics, gala day, zone athletics, safeguarding, notes sent home, e-safety, online gaming safety, upcoming events, save the dates, going home arrangements, Year 5 Sydney Zoo, Dance for Sick Kids, peer support, Tell them from me survey (TTFM) 2022, school photo day, entertainment fundraiser, Harrington Rd drop off, reading, comprehension
In this article: Principal's message, month of Easter, OLOR Parish Sacramental program of first Communion, Parish newsletter, Mothers Day, goodwill raffle, birthdays, COVID-19, NAPLAN, work books coming home, Year 4 Cockatoo Island excursion, 2022 Diocesan Cross Country, Gala day, star spot, Premiers Reading Challenge, fundraising, dates for your calendar, upcoming events, sent home this week, going home arrangements, winter uniform
In this article: Principal's Message, Easter Season, Upcoming dates, Birthdays, Mothers Day stall, Letters sent home this week, Mothers Day, Canteen reopening, Goodwill raffle, Sports News, 2nd hand uniform sale, Year 3 Excursion to Brewongle, Covid-19, Student drop off, Woolworths Junior Landcare program, Premiers Reading Challenge, school Fees, Winter uniform
In this article: Principal's Message, Volunteer Dads Needed for Mothers Day Morning Tea, Mothers Day, Upcoming Dates, Birthdays, Easter, Cashless Canteen, Mothers Day Stall, School Fees, Winter Uniform, Sent home this week, Sports News, Second hand uniform shop, Australia Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, Project Compassion, Notification Policy, General parent meetings, Executive Director Summer Reading Challenge results, Premiers Reading Challenge, Reading
In this article: Principal's Message, Easter Egg Raffle, Holy Week Liturgies, Volunteers needed for Mothers Day Morning Tea, Religious Education, Celebrating our gifts, Upcoming Dates, Birthdays, Sports News, Winter Uniform, PRC, Second Hand Uniform Sales, Reading, School Fees, Easter Eggs, Kiss and Drop, Australia Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, Caritas, Parent Notifications of Absences, Mothers Day, QKR, Parent Meetings
In this article: Principals Address, Lent 2022, Special Lunch day, Easter Egg Raffle, Sibling Enrolments for Kindergarten 2023, Religious Education, Gospel, Harmony day, Birthdays, Esafety Webinars & Cyberbullying, Annunciation of our Lord, OLOR Parish Newsletter, Naplan Pratise Test, Sports News, PRC Students site, Lost Netball Uniform, Kiss and Drop Reminder, Parent Notifications of Absences, Project Compassion, Sent home this week, School Bell Times, Save the Date
In this article: Principal's Address, Special Food day, Religious Education, Birthdays, Naplan, Upcoming Dates, Sports News, St Patrick's Day
In this Article: Principal's Address, Cross Country, Open Day, Religious Education, Mufti Day, St Patrick's, Special Food Day, Awards, Feast of St Joseph, Birthdays, Zone Swimming, Notes sent up, Absences, Parent Grade Representatives, Book Club, Bell Times.
In this article: Principal's Address, Wet Weather, Religious Education, Awards, Upcoming Dates, Swimming Zone Carnival, St Patricks Day, Sports, Cross Country, Ambrose, notes sent home
In this issue - COVID-19 Info, Shrove Tuesday, Lent, Parking in Orleans Way, Birthdays, Religion, Enrolment Open Days, School Leaders, Sports, Upcoming Dates
In this issue - Principals address, COVID-19 Reminder, Upcoming dates, Sports news, Band lessons, School fees, Notes sent home, Executive Directors Summer Reading Challenge, COVID-19 update, Rapid Antigen Tests,
In this issue - Principals address, COVID-19 Reminder, Upcoming dates, Class representitives, Kiss and Drop info, School Zone parking Rules, Sports news, School fees, Notes sent home, Executive Directors Summer Reading Challenge, COVID-19 update, Rapid Antigen Tests
In this issue - Welcome back for 2022, Covid-19 Update, Parent Teacher meetings, upcoming dates, important reminders, updates from the school & more!