Your child is unique and special with his/her own gifts and we are honoured that you have invited us to share the journey with you as these gifts unfold.
We, the learning community of St Angela’s, believe that children learn best when:
- There is an environment that is purposeful, stimulating and safe, where the students can
experience a rich immersion into the learning and be empowered to take risks
- Individual differences in terms of experiences, knowledge, talents, special needs, interests and
learning styles are respected and become pivotal in planning the curriculum
- The teaching and learning are grounded in supportive relationships that are based on mutual
respect, affection, trust and cooperative learning
- There is a range of strategies that connect the experiences of the children with the challenges of
the curriculum and the multiplicity of their intelligences
- Learning experiences are planned in a wholistic way to enable the students to make appropriate
connections as they internalise and integrate the learnings
- Their learning is relevant to everyday experience, where they understand the purpose behind
their learning, and are encouraged to constantly reflect on their learning
- They experience success and they are encouraged to learn from their mistakes
- There is a continual modelling and demonstration of tasks and learnings by both teachers and
- The teachers enjoy what they are doing, the children are happy and motivated and there is a
partnership between home and school
- They experience firm and fair behaviour management, and the expectations put before them are
high but realistic
- Assessment of students is integrated within the processes of teaching and learning. Effort, as well as achievement, is recognised and the students themselves are involved in self-assessment.